Weekly Horoscopes

The Sky this Week, May 19, 2024

The world is spinning faster than usual this week. An influx of planets enter Gemini and rapidly energize our days, starting with the sun’s ingress on the twentieth and Venus on the twenty-third. Also, on May 23, an adventurous Sagittarius full moon asks us to challenge our fear of the unknown. Buckle up as this impulsive, fiery lunation pushes us into the pool. Learn how to swim right there and then!

Jupiter will enter Gemini on the twenty-fifth. The planet of expansion will remain there for about a year, yielding abundance in intellectual matters. With three planets entering the mutable air sign within a few days, get ready to hear busy bees buzz. Sociability, chattiness, and excitement resound. But so will indecision, scatteredness, and overstimulation. 

MANTRA As things move fast, I intentionally find pockets of time to slow down.

ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aquarius will be swept away in an eventful week.

Gemini will experience a surge of activity with the confident sun, romantic Venus, and abundant Jupiter entering their sign.

Sagittarius views life through a poetic, emotive lens as they release and let go of major emotional blocks.

Aquarius finds their muse, a blooming love life, or creative inspiration this week.

YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE ARIES  With Jupiter, all is possible. As the expansive benefic planet works its magic in...

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